
Your SR&ED case is not going well. Either you are currently experiencing a bad SR&ED audit, or you’ve already been denied, and you’re not happy about it.
We can provide you with a no-charge consultation to provide a preliminary opinion on your chances of success during your SR&ED Dispute.
Your claim could have been found “ineligible” or “unsubstantiated”. If “ineligible”, we will tell you if we agree with CRA, so that you don’t engage in a lengthy and futile battle. If “unsubstantiated”, we can help you find the evidence, and present the arguments that may lead to a reversal of your impending denial.
Bond Consulting Group will never recommend that you pursue a case with no hope of approval. However, if we feel that your case was unjustly denied, we will do everything within our power to rescue your claim.
We will provide you with an honest opinion of your case, and present you with a fair proposal. You can decide whether you want to proceed.
Contact us today. 416 503 4607 or 1 888 SRED-007 or